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can't make calls abroad

Hello, i wanted to ask about tango sim abroad, do I need to activate it somehow?

I went to other Europe country and I can not call anyone and nobody can reach me, but connection levels on the mobile shows full service..  when i try to call, it beeps once and says “call failed”. What can it be? 

Mobile internet still works.



6 commentaires

Hi Simona, 

Welcome on our forum.

After checking your line, it seems that you are using a prepaid card.

Unfortunately you have no call credit and the advantage you had has expired.

So you have to refill you subscription to be able to use it again.

Kind regards


Hi, yes it expired today, but it did not work for two weeks before when I had subscription plan. So it was not the reason..



On the line everything it’s ok, I will send you a private message to get more informations about your issue.

Thank you

Hi there, anyone know because can’t give signal at Vianden ??  we stay for 3 days at Hotel Auberge de L’Our, and at the moment we only can surfing Internet with the Wifi’s hotel…


Any with same problem?

Hi Sara, 

Welcome on our forum.

I opened a technical report to check the quality of the mobile network at this place.

Could you please confirm me your prive informations by private message.

Best regards

Hi there, anyone know because can’t give signal at Vianden ??  we stay for 3 days at Hotel Auberge de L’Our, and at the moment we only can surfing Internet with the Wifi’s hotel…


Any with same problem?

Hello Sara,

I received the answer from the engineers and the network is ok.

Is the issue still present ?

