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I have a subscription for Tango Fibre L internet since 18 January 2022, and I had chosen Tango over the other providers specifically because of the possibility to cancel the subscription without charges in case I were to leave Luxembourg. 

I am now relocating to another country, and have 3 months of internet subscription remaining on my contract. When I try to cancel this, I am told that there has been a change in the General Terms & Conditions of Tango under which I can no longer cancel my subscription on leaving the country without attracting heavy charges. I have not received any email about such change in General Terms & Conditions, and it feels a little unfair and underhanded from Tango to be doing this and is quite unfortunate. The customer care does not seem to know about this clause, and tell me that I was misguided by the customer care representative at the time when I entered into a contract. This is not true as the contract signed by me allowed for cancellation upon leaving Luxembourg as a valid reason.

@Tango - Please confirm whether I can cancel my contract upon showing proof that I am leaving the country. I have never accepted to the changed terms & conditions, and slyly changing the terms in the middle of a contract period does not speak well of the company.

Good Morining @ameya.mithe


Thank you for your post on our Forum. 

I assure you that our service was not aware of this change in the general conditions of sale at the time of your subscription in January 2022, on the other hand on your invoice of the month of November we have indicated that the conditions will change from December 1, 2022, from where you had the opportunity to oppose. 

I exceptionally grant you a termination of your contract by offering you the rest of your commitment, I therefore ask you to send me a proof of residence indicating your new address. 
Please send me this document via our contact form:

I hope I have answered your questions.

Wishing you a nice day,

Kind regards.

