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I’m having trouble with packet loss. You can see below that I have PL% between 10% and 46%, which is a lot more than is expected. 

Here are the stats we often look for when evaluating a connection. These values are based on our own tests, IT industry quality standards, and a little bit of old-fashioned science and math. A passable network should have:




FritzBox - IP address.

The problem IP seems to be on your side - Let me know if you need any more details this is making video conferencing super difficult. 

Hi springcoil,


Welcome to our forum and thank you for your message.

After I analysed your internet line, I could see that you are still using an old internet line and technology, which is called ADSL.

Those lines will not be improved anymore, regarding their speed and quality.

I checked the eligibility on your address and I have to inform you that your address is eligible for optical fiber, which is currently the best internet technology on the market.


If you are interested, we have the possibility to lauch a request.


In the hope to read you again,


 Best regards

